Home » Looking for getaways for this summer Caldea in Andorra

Looking for getaways for this summer Caldea in Andorra

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Looking for getaways for this summer? Caldea in Andorra

Looking for getaways for this summer? Caldea in Andorra

The holidays are getting closer. Summer has just arrived in the best possible way, good weather, imminent opening of the swimming pools and other bathing places, school holidays and, very soon, many of us will be enjoying our well-deserved rest.

And at this point, I know that there are many of you who are already organizing your vacations, whether it’s a long trip to an exotic destination or a simple weekend away from home in a closer place.

If you are one of those who prefers this second option, I want to show you one of the perfect alternatives for this summer and that is that at Estiber we can find the best Caldea offers , to enjoy, disconnect, rest and reconnect with ourselves.

That you still don’t know Caldea? So you can’t miss what I’m telling you next, I’m sure you’ll like it so much that it will soon appear among your options for this summer.

Everything you need to know about Caldea

As they themselves state in the definition of this center, Caldea is more than just a thermal spa , since it not only focuses on the relaxing part of this type of place, but also has various activities that also make it a recreational spa.

It is a thermal water center located in Andorra, which has various spaces, focused on different audiences and the most varied activities. Among them we can find the following:

  • thermoludic spa , the largest, perfect especially for families, since it allows access to the smallest members of the house, from the age of five.
  • The Inúu spa is intended only for young people and adults over 16 years of age.
  • Likids is the ideal place for the little ones to fully enjoy the experiences of a spa, where they will always be supervised by specialized monitors.
  • In the Origins spa you can enjoy a wide variety of exotic baths from different destinations around the world.

In addition to these main spaces where you can immerse yourself in some impressive thermal waters, in Caldea you can also enjoy all kinds of treatments for relaxation and body well-being. Among them, we can find the following varieties:

  • Massages, both local and apprcial as well as general.
  • Facial and body beauty treatments .
  • Organic treatments, also at facial or body level.
  • Rituals of escape, oriental and ayurveda.
  • Duo treatments for couples.

And if this were not enough, Caldea also offers other incredible services to achieve a most relaxing immersive experience, being able to stay in its own hotel and taste the best cuisine in its restaurants, what more could you ask for?

Advantages of nearby tourism in a spa

And if the previously indicated reasons did not seem like enough for you to choose Caldea as your holiday destination, I am sure that the advantages that are going to be mentioned below will finally convince you.

First of all, it should be noted that it is a destination close to our geography, something that makes access to this place easier and cheaper, being able to get there by public transport or car if desired.

This also makes it possible to visit Caldea even if you only have a couple of days off.

On the other hand, can you think of a better way to disconnect from the routine than relaxing in a spa? From my point of view, one of the best options for a vacation.

In addition, thanks to its thermal waters, it is an ideal alternative, not only for summer, but also for any other time of the year.

If you have already made up your mind, all that remains is to enjoy your first visit to Caldea, because I am sure that once you have discovered this paradise, you will want to return.

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